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Our Story

We are a small family business based in the UAE. Since 2020, we provide the most sustainable
alternatives for your everyday needs. Biodegradable, cruelty-free, natural, and upcycled products,
delivered to you with less packaging.

The vision of the company is to help people switch to low-impact, zero waste, sustainable living.

Earthfix HUB Sustainable Products

Why Switch?

Did you know that Abu Dhabi alone produces 33,000 tonnes of waste per day? Per capita waste generation in the emirate is 1.8 to 2 kilos per day, and that’s in 2011.  UAE was one of the the countries with the highest waste production in 2016. By switching to upcycled products and saying no to single-use plastic, we help reduce the amount of rubbish being dumped into landfills, we consume less of our natural resources, we boost the income of small businesses, and we help promote sustainability. This is the heart of Earthfix HUB and we’re excited to share with you a piece of our heart with every product we make.

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